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View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.


Olivia Heinecke

February 25, 2018 - March 3, 2018

Sisseton High School
*Honor Roll 9-12 *September Student of the Month 12 *Oral Interpretation 10-12 (state participant 3 times and state superior twice plus other medals and trophies) *FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) 9-12 Local president and state north vice president 12, state secretary 11, national leadership conference competitor 9-11 *SD Girls State Representative 11 *Hugh O'Brian Youth Seminar Delegate 10 *FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America 10 *Art Club 9-11 *Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) 9 *Basketball 9-11 *Student Government 9,11 *One Act Play 12 *National Honor Society Secretary 11-12 *Knowledge Bowl 12 *Missoula Children's Theatre (several years) *Judges Choice Award-Granary Art Show 9 *Scholastic Art and Writing Award, Gold Key Designation 11 *SD Congressional Art Competition runner-up *SD Junior Duck Stamp 1st place 9 *Roberts County Snow Queen 12 *Miss Teen South Dakota semi-finalist 10 *SD Junior Snow Queen Contest runner-up 9 *Miss Teen Siouxland Pageant runner-up, Miss Congeniality, Newcomer Award 9 *SD Junior Snow Queen Contest runner-up 9 *VFW Voice of Democracy Local and District winner 12 *SD Ambassadors of Excellence Governors Camp for Gifted Students 9-11

Olivia Heinecke is from Sisseton, SD, located within Whetstone Valley Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

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Trevor Case

February 18, 2018 - February 24, 2018

Webster Area School
Football, Key Club, Hunting, Fishing, Basketball, 4-H, Shooting Sports, Student Council President, SMARTS Challenge

Trevor Case is from Webster, SD, located within Lake Region Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Ethan Geraets

February 11, 2018 - February 17, 2018

Chester Area School
Activities: Sioux Valley Energy?s Empower program (student participant and Advisory Committee). Champions on Track (character recognition). Senior Class Secretary/Treasurer. National Honor Society (Vice-President. Basketball. Plays (musical, 3-act and 1-act). Drama Club (Secretary and Treasurer). Future Farmers of America. (Vice-President). Quizbowl. Choir All-State Choir, Big East Choir) Band (concert, pep, Big East Band, Drum Major of marching band - President and Secretary). Spanish Club (Secretary and Treasurer). Boys State.

Ethan Geraets is from Humboldt, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Annie Keeter

January 28, 2018 - February 3, 2018

Miller High School
FCCLA (Future Career Community Leaders of America) SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) MAHB (Miller Area Health Board) 4H NHS (National Honors Society) Youth Leadership Entrepreneur Board Volleyball Junior Olympic Volleyball Basketball Track MYF (Methodist Youth Foundation) Give Back Day Co-Founder

Annie Keeter is from St. Lawrence, SD, located within Dakota Energy Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

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Taylor Westendorf

January 21, 2018 - January 27, 2018

Plankinton High School
volleyball, cross country, basketball, track, softball, oral interp, science fair, youth modern woodmen organization, voice of democracy, patriot's pen, one act play, all-school play, choir, band, marching band, flag corp, catholic organization, class officer

Taylor Westendorf is from Plankinton, SD, located within Central Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

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Landon DeBoer

January 14, 2018 - January 20, 2018

4 year football, 4 years basketball, 4 years track, 3 years golf, 4 years FCCLA, 3 years National Honor Society, Honor roll all four years, Student council class officer four years, two years all state choir.

Landon DeBoer is from Corsica, SD, located within Douglas Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.