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View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.


Carolyn Blaha

September 17, 2017 - September 23, 2017

Wagner High School
Volleyball Track National Honor Society (NHS) National FFA Organization- Chapter President Fellowship Christian Athletes(FCA) School play Band Chorus

Carolyn Blaha is from Dante, SD, located within Charles Mix Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Matthew Eigenberg

May 7, 2017 - May 13, 2017

Brandon Valley High School
While at BVHS, Matthew has been involved in football, wrestling, power lifting and FCA. Matthew is the type of student that thrives on a variety of involvement both on and off campus. Matthew also has a dedication to serving others. He is a member of Sioux Valley Energy?s EMPOWER program for student leaders. Throughout this experience he has learned how to become a better leader through serving others in the community. He is also an active member of his church youth group, which has allowed him to serve through different mission trips and projects.

Matthew Eigenberg is from Brandon, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

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Hannah Brockway

April 30, 2017 - May 6, 2017

Tracy Area High School
Achievements and Honors ?A? Honor Roll 9, 10, 11 Academic Letter and Stars 9, 10 National Honors Society Officer 11, 12 ? Historian(11), Secretary(12) Band Letter Winner 9, 10, 11 Solo and Ensemble Superior Instrumental Solo 9, 11 Solo and Ensemble Excellent Instrumental Solo 10 Flute Section Leader 11 Choir Letter Winner 11 Solo and Ensemble Superior Vocal Solo 10, 11 Solo and Ensemble Superior Vocal Ensemble 10, 11 Cross Country Letter Winner 9, 10, 11 Cross Country Captain 11, 12 Track and Field Letter Winner 10, 11 Track and Field Captain 12 Speech Letter Winner 9, 10, 11 State Speech Participant 10 Speech Captain 10, 11 Tracy Area High School EXCEL Nominee 11 Tracy Area High School Minnesota Mile Representative 10 Lyon County 4-H Incentive Award Recipient 10 Lyon County 4-H Ambassador 9, 10, 11, 12 Lyon County 4-H Federation Officer 11, 12 ? Treasurer(11, 12) Amiret Busy Bees 4-H Club Officer 10, 12 ? Secretary(10), President(12) National Catholic Youth Choir 11 ? Needed to audition for Activities and Clubs Spanish Club 10, 11, 12 National Honors Society 11, 12 Band 9, 10, 11, 12 Choir 10, 11, 12 Peer Helpers 10, 11, 12 Big Buddies 10, 11, 12 Chamber Choir 10, 11 Cross Country 9, 10, 11, 12 Track and Field 9, 10, 11, 12 School Play/Musical 10, 11, 12 One Act Play 11 Speech 9, 10, 11, 12 FFA 9, 10 Amiret Busy Bees 4-H Club 9, 10, 11, 12

Hannah Brockway is from Trac, MN, located within Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Alan Masat

April 23, 2017 - April 29, 2017

Redfield School District
Student of the Month (9) Academic Award (9,10,11) 1st Place Individual State FFA Crops Judging (9) 1st place team Sate FFA Crops Judging (9) 3rd Place Individual State FFA Meats Evaluation (10) 1st Place Team State FFA Meats Evaluation (10) Silver rating National FFA Meats Evaluation (11) 1st Place Individual State FFA Natural Resources (11) 1st Place Team State FFA Natural Resources (11) NCRC Gold Rating Godl Rating National FFA Natural Resources (12) SDSU 4-H Extension Character All-Star Football (9,10,11,12) Football Captain (12) Track (9) Basketball (9,10,11,12) Baseball (9,10,11) NHS (10,11,12) FFA (8,9,10,11,12)

Alan Masat is from Redfield, SD, located within Northern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Ben Pond

April 16, 2017 - April 22, 2017

Ipswich High School
Football, basketball, track and field, band, vocal, All State Chorus, All School Play, National Honor Society, volunteer at Tiger Tutoring.

Ben Pond is from Ipswich, SD, located within FEM Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Brianna Smith

April 9, 2017 - April 15, 2017

Hamlin School District
Book Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, National Honor Society, Skills USA, HOSA

Brianna Smith is from Hayti, SD, located within H-D Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.


Tory Arbach

March 26, 2017 - April 1, 2017

Marion High School
Volleyball 2011-17 team captain senior year. Letter winner. Track and Field 2015-17 Letter Winner Student Council 2011-17 Senior Class Representative Basketball Stats 2016-17 Football Cheerleader 2015-17 National Honor Society 2016-17

Tory Arbach is from Marion, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.