View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.

Rachel Geary
March 19, 2017 - March 25, 2017
- School
- Elk Point-Jefferson
- 3.97
- Activities
- Throughout high school, I have been involved in many activities. Some extra-curricular activities, I have been involved in are track, basketball manager, National Honor Society, Student Council, Yearbook, math contest, and State Science Fair. Outside of school, I participate in y-discipleship (church group), teen leaders, friends feast, camp counselor, Character All Stars Representative, and 4-H. I have also been a leader through 4-H, teen leaders, and various activities in school.
Rachel Geary is from Elk Point, SD, located within Union County Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Jensen Holzbauer
March 12, 2017 - March 18, 2017
- School
- Wagner Community School
- 4
- Activities
- Volleyball, Gymnastics, National Honor Society, Academic Letter Winner
Jensen Holzbauer is from Wagner, SD, located within Charles Mix Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Alyssa Iiams
March 5, 2017 - March 11, 2017
- School
- Irene-Wakonda School
- 3.79
- Activities
- Cross Country ? 9,10,11**,& 12 Basketball Cheerleader ? 11** One Act Play ? 10, ) Vocal Music ? 9,10**,11**,12** All State Delegate ? 11; All State Chorus Alternate ? 12 Band ?,10, Community Service ? Helped set up and run the Easter Egg Hunt and kids? activities in Wakonda ? 11 Volunteered for Federal Dept. of Education panel ? 12 **Lettered in sport Honors & Awards I-W Honor Society ? 11, 12 I-W Academic Letter Award ? 11, 9 Weeks Honor Roll ? 9, 10, 11, )
Alyssa Iiams is from Yankton, SD, located within Bon Homme-Yankton Electric Assn., a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Maggie Peterson
February 26, 2017 - March 4, 2017
- School
- Vermillion High school
- 4
- Activities
- Show Choir, student council, class officer, soccer, yearbook, drama, national honor society, SADD, art club, Spanish club, quiz bowl, "Random Acts of Kindness"
Maggie Peterson is from Vermillion, SD, located within Clay-Union Electric Corporation, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Carson Zubke
February 19, 2017 - February 25, 2017
- School
- Waubay High School
- 3.8
- Activities
- Student Council President National Honor Society President Chorus Oral Interpretation One-Act Play Part-time employed at local business
Carson Zubke is from Waubay,, SD, located within Lake Region Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Nicole Reuland
February 5, 2017 - February 11, 2017
- School
- White Lake School
- 4
- Activities
- Band--4 years Choir--4 years Volleyball--4 years Basketball--4 years Track--4 years Softball--1 year Yearbook Staff--2 years Football Statistician--3 years Radio Quiz Bowl--1 year Student Council President Royalty Candidate
Nicole Reuland is from White Lake, SD, located within Central Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Jacob Peterson
January 29, 2017 - February 4, 2017
- School
- Canton High School
- 4
- Activities
- Golf, Football, Basketball, Track,Band, Theatre, FCA, First Priority, BUDS (Peer Helpers), National Honor Society, Student Mentoring, Coaching Special Olympics Basketball.
Jacob Peterson is from Canton, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Cole Anderson
January 22, 2017 - January 28, 2017
- School
- Chester Area School
- 3.9
- Activities
- National Honor Society. FFA. Golf. Band. Choir. Football. Basketball. Track and field. Completed OSHA Safety 2016.
Cole Anderson is from WENTWORTH, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Evan Steers
January 15, 2017 - January 21, 2017
- School
- Miller High School
- 3.976
- Activities
- FFA, On Hand Economic Development, Robotics Team, SADD, Meals on Wheels, Spring Play, Jazz Band, Student Council, FCCLA, Football, Track, Vacation Bible School Teacher, 4H Character All-Star
Evan Steers is from MILLER, SD, located within Dakota Energy Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Chloe Lamb
January 8, 2017 - January 14, 2017
- School
- Sully Buttes High School
- 4
- Activities
- Volleyball Basketball Track Student Council National Honor Society FCCLA Holy Cross Lutheran Church Member
Chloe Lamb is from Onida, SD, located within Oahe Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.