View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.

Ammran Mohamed
April 14, 2019 - April 20, 2019
- School
- Marshall High School (507-537-6920)
- 4.08
- Activities
- • Math Team (2015-present) • Student Council (2015-present) • BPA (2015-present) • Upward Bound (2015-present) • Knowledge Bowl (2015-16) • Marshall Youth Against Alcohol, Chemicals, Tobacco, and Substances (ACTS) (2015-18) • Robotics (2015) • Speech (2016) • Marshall Honor Society (2017-present) • Link Crew (2017-18) • School Board (2017-present) • Yellow Ribbon (2017-present) • Tutor for Marshall Middle School Wednesday Homework Help (2017-18) • Tennis (2018) • Generation Next (2018-present) • Collegiate (all 2018-present): o Chemistry Club o Black Student Union o Honors Club o Muslim Student Association o Enactus • Student Council President (2018-19): o Plan, with the aid of the council, the objectives, programs and meetings of the student council. o Coordinate events to promote and support school community and spirit. • Student Council Vice President (2017-18): o Aid and advise the President. o Perform the duties and have the powers of the President during any absence or inability of the President to act. • School Board Student Representatives (2017-present): o Work with the superintendent and staff to lead the district toward fulfilling the vision created by the board. o Foster excellence for every student in the areas of academic skills and knowledge, citizenship and personal development. o Serve as education’s key advocate on behalf of students and the community schools to advance the vision of our schools. • ACTS Leader (2016-18): o Plan events to educate our community about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. o Find resources and people to effectively get our message out. • Honor Society Committee Chair (2018-present): o Lead the Scholarship Committee in events that enhance the academic environment of our school. o Plan events such as Mock Elections and a tutor system for our school. • Yellow Ribbon Leader (2018-present): o Educate the community about mental illnesses and suicide. o Plan events that create a more inclusive school atmosphere to decrease the chances of students feeling alone (which could result in depression). o Work with Southwest Minnesota State University and the general public to plan a city wide walk against suicide.
Ammran Mohamed is from Marshall, Mn, located within Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Ashley Anderson
April 7, 2019 - April 13, 2019
- School
- Brookings High School (605-696-4100)
- 4.05
- Activities
- Letter of Recommendation KSFY News and Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Re: Ms. Ashley Anderson October 24th, 2018 Dear Sir or Madam, It is without reservation, I would like to highly recommend Ms. Ashley Anderson. As her School Counselor, at Brookings High School, I have had opportunities to view first hand both her outstanding level of commitment and phenomenal character. Ashley’s academic integrity, extracurricular activities, experiences and commitment to her school and community are all of utmost quality. Ashley’s academic record at Brookings High School is incredibly impressive. To date, Ashley has received no grade lower than one B+ on her transcript, displaying her outstanding commitment to her academics. She has also maintained a grade point average of 4.052 and is ranked 7, out of a class of 192 highly academically competitive students. Additionally, Ashley earned an impressive score on her ACT of 31, with subscores of: English - 34, Mathematics - 32, Reading - 32 and Science - 25. Ashley has taken a number of Honor’s courses while attending BHS, including: Honors English I, Honors Biology, Honors English II, Advanced Algebra II, Honors Chemistry, AP Biology and AP U.S. History. In addition to these challenging high school courses, Ashley has chosen to continue setting high academic goals for herself, enrolling in AP Calculus, AP Microeconomics, Dual Credit Senior English, Dual Credit Political Science 100 and Dual Credit Psychology 100, earning credit through both BHS for high school graduation and South Dakota State University for her future college education. She anticipates taking two additional Dual Credit courses during the second semester of her senior year. Each of these examples speaks loudly, not only of the academic commitment and integrity Ashley possesses, but also of the quality of the work Ashley completes and the goals she sets for herself and achieves. While Ashley has worked to great achievement levels throughout her academic career at BHS, she has also been a part of a variety of activities, leadership opportunities, experiences, and volunteer opportunities. Ashley has participated in Brookings High School Student Council, BHS Volleyball, BHS Track and Field, Basketball, Brookings Fastpitch Softball and BHS Cross Country throughout her high school years and for a number of years. During her years at Brookings High School, Ashley has earned a number of honors and awards. Those include, but are not limited to: National Honor Society membership, BHS Athlete Scholar Award, BHS Cross Country Runner of the Meet and winning a State Championship with her softball team. Each of these an outstanding accomplishments for a young lady that is already so involved in her academics and extracurricular activities. In addition to her other achievements, Ashley has shared her time, volunteering in her community in a number of ways. Ashley has given her time working with the National Honor Society Group on a variety of projects to better her school and community. She has also shared her time and talents, volunteering at the Harvest Table of Brookings, preparing and serving meals to those in need and allowing her to provide local community members with a free warm meal once a week. Ashley has also given her time to the Brookings youth swimmers, serving as a swim instructor and teaching swimming lessons to the young and strengthening their skills as athletes, while sharing her love and passion for the sport. Lastly, Ashley has given her time at the local Humane Society caring for a variety of animals by feeding, cleaning, providing attention and care and working with other volunteers. Each of these volunteer and service learning projects have given Ashley hands on experiences and opportunities to work with the community, customers, animals, teams, youth and other students, while strengthening her personal goals, organization and time management skills. This is merely a snapshot of her involvement in the Brookings community, but shows her true kindness and compassion for others. In addition, Ashley’s involvements show her ability to balance multiple roles, while being extremely successful. Included in Ashley's future goals is attending a university, yet to be determined, following her high school graduation. Another of her goals is becoming a Medical Doctor, continuing to show her kindness and compassion for others, Ashley has shared that she wants to enter the medical profession so that she can help improve the lives of as many people as possible through the medical care she would be able to provide. Ashley also hopes to accomplish the goal of going on a mission trip to another country, seeking to help others in any way she is able to, again showing her empathy, humanity and kind heartedness for others and the entire world. Ashley is helpful, kind, hardworking and open-minded, all personal qualities and characteristics that will make her a phenomenal Medical Doctor, in addition to her intelligence. Her dedication and commitment to all the things shared, do not go unnoticed. Ashley is an incredible and multi-talented young lady. In conclusion, Ashley Anderson is an amazing young lady, with a number of talents, who has demonstrated the highest levels of work ethic, commitment, motivation, teamwork, integrity and balance in reaching multiple achievements and goals. Ashley is committed, ethical and a valuable asset to anything she chooses to be a part of. This is shown not only in her academic success, but in all she chooses to be a part of and experience. As a School Counselor, at the Brookings High School, it is without hesitation that I would like to highly recommend Ms. Ashley Anderson. Sincerely, Ms. Amanda Neville-Coble 9-12, Professional School Counselor, M.S., N.C.C. Brookings High School 530 Elm Avenue Brookings, South Dakota 57006
Ashley Anderson is from Brookings, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

March 31, 2019 - April 6, 2019
- School
- SISSETON H.S. (605-698-7613)
- 3.72
- Activities
- Activities and Organizations Sisseton High School • Future Business Leaders of America - 9 • Family Career and Community Leaders of America – 10,12 • Key Club – 11,12 • Knowledge Bowl - 11 • Art Club – 9,10 • Student Government – 9,10,11,12 • Volleyball – 9,11,12 • Golf – 9,10,11,12 • National Honor Society – 11,12 Religious • Church Youth Group – 9,10,11,12 Community • Figure Skating – 9,10,11,12 • Dance – 9,10,11,12 Offices Held Sisseton High School • National Honor Society President - 12 • Class President – 9,10 • Class Vice President – 11 • Student Body Vice President – 12 Community • Watertown Figure Skating Club Vice President - 10 Honors and Awards Sisseton High School • “A” Honor Roll – 9,10,11,12 • SHS Honor Junior (Given to top juniors at the end of the school year) – 11 • National Honor Society Inductee – 11 • SHS Student of the Month – 9 • Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award (HOBY) – 10 • South Dakota Girls State Participant - 11 Community • Watertown Figure Skating Club “Determination” Award – 9 Figure Skater of the Year Award – 10 “Leadership” Award - 11
COURTNEY HEATH is from SISSETON, SD, located within Traverse Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Mason Schroeder
March 24, 2019 - March 30, 2019
- School
- Vermillion High School (677-7035)
- 4
- Activities
- band 9-12, soccer 9-12, wrestling 9-12, SOAR 11-12, board game club 10-12, German club 10-12, National Honor Society 11-12, Questbridge College Prep Scholar, Questbridge STEM Scholarship Recipient, Lettered in band, wrestling, and soccer, soccer ref, nanny, peer mentor, teen court, volunteer wrestling coach for youth
Mason Schroeder is from Vermillion, SD, located within Clay-Union Electric Corporation, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Bryce Dangler
March 17, 2019 - March 23, 2019
- School
- Yankton High School (605-6657378)
- 4.1
- Activities
- Activities: Track, and National Honors Society Achievements: Lettered in Football and Track and Field, ACT 30+ club
Bryce Dangler is from Yankton, SD, located within Bon Homme-Yankton Electric Assn., a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Alyssa Meyer
March 10, 2019 - March 16, 2019
- School
- Faulkton HS (598-6266)
- 4
- Activities
- Actively involved in FFA, Band, Chorus, One-Act Play, Oral Interp, and All-School Play. All-State Chorus (4 year member)
Alyssa Meyer is from Orient, SD, located within FEM Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Lauren Wittler
March 3, 2019 - March 9, 2019
- School
- Sully Buttes High School (6052582617)
- 3.95
- Activities
- Volleyball Basketball (YTC All Conference - 2 years) Golf (Placed at state individually - 3 years) Track & Field ( Placed at state individually - 3 years) FCCLA (Chapter President, State Current Trends team, State Outreach team, national qualifier) Oral Interp (State qualifier) Yearbook Student Council Class President Youth for Christ Academic Letter Mission Trip to Puerto Rico Mission Trip to Kansas City Study Abroad - 6 weeks Girls State delegate HOBY delegate Junior Snow Queen National Honor Society Chorus Band Member of First Presbyterian Church of Onida American Legion Citizenship Award
Lauren Wittler is from Onida, SD, located within Oahe Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Antonia Block
February 24, 2019 - March 2, 2019
- School
- Wilmot (605-938-4647)
- 4
- Activities
- Band 8 years (Drum Major, Student Director), Chorus 8 years (All State Chorus 4 Years), Oral Interp 4 years (State Qualifier 2016), FCA 3 years, St. Peter's Guitar Group 3 years, Presidents Award for Education EXcellence, John PHillips Souza Music Award, WHS top ranked student since her freshmen year, Student of the Month Junior Year.
Antonia Block is from Wilmot, SD, located within Whetstone Valley Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Jamie Bludorn
February 17, 2019 - February 23, 2019
- School
- Webster Area High School (605-345-3548)
- 2.74
- Activities
- Participated in the band one year and in the choir for three years.
Jamie Bludorn is from Webster, SD, located within Lake Region Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Codi Schmidt
February 10, 2019 - February 16, 2019
- School
- De Smet High School (605-854-3423)
- 4.22
- Activities
- -Member of FCCLA freshman year (Received Gold at FCCLA Nationals) -Member of National Honor Society since sophomore year -Class President sophomore year -Student Council Representative junior year -Student Council President senior year -Character on Track senior year -Participated in Math Contest all 4 years of high school -Academic Honor Roll -Academic All-State -Received Superiors at piano festivals -2018 Homecoming Queen -Selected Champion of Character -Member of Cross Country and Basketball teams
Codi Schmidt is from De Smet, SD, located within Kingsbury Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.