View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.

Sam Hofer
November 20, 2022 - November 26, 2022
- School
- Bridgewater Emery (605-449-4271)
- 4.02
- Activities
- Sam is involved in football, basketball, track, student council, journalism, National Honor Society, and church youth group. Sam is also a mentor in our school's mentor-mentee program and he was most recently selected as a Character on Track student. Sam is a 4.0 student who has challenged himself academically by taking a rigorous course schedule including 15 college credits through one semester of his senior year. Sam had a tough start to his senior year as he was our starting quarterback and the 2nd game of the season he broke his tibia and fibula in a game ending his senior football season. Sam was being recruited to play collegiate football so this was a tough injury physically and mentally. However, Sam accepted it like a very strong man and is progressing in his recovery and will be on the basketball floor this winter. Sam's character during this trying time was inspiring for all - no excuses, no feeling sorry for himself and he served as an encouraging peer coach on the sidelines.
Sam Hofer is from Bridgewater, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Sydney Boersma
November 13, 2022 - November 19, 2022
- School
- Elkton High School (6055422541)
- 3.68
- Activities
- Activities: 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, Volleyball Stats, Youth Group Accomplishments: • 2021-2022 FFA Chapter Secretary • 2022-2023 FFA Chapter President • FCCLA Chapter officer • 4-H club secretary • Certified Nursing Assistant • 3rd place Prepared Public Speaking at District 2 LDE for FFA • Girls State - States Attorney • 2022 FFA Leadership Retreat • Student Leadership Academy • Livestock Demonstration at Minnesota State Fair Community Service • FFA Road Ditch Cleanup • Central State Fair Grounds Cleanup • Tie blankets for local food shelf • FFA Ag Adventure Center Volunteer • St. Francis House Volunteer • The banquet Volunteer • Judge's Assistant • 4-H Road Ditch Cleanup • Project day Volunteer • Canteen Volunteer • FCCLA Santa Days • Volunteer to teach the youth about Livestock
Sydney Boersma is from Aurora, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Tristan Jensen
November 6, 2022 - November 12, 2022
- School
- Woonsocket School District (605-796-4431)
- 4
- Activities
- SCHOOL ACTIVITIES--Volleyball, Basketball, Student Council, National Honor Society, Choir, & Drama. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES- Blood Donations, Served various meals for banquets, church, concerts, etc., Youth Group Member, Volunteers (Reffing Games, Keeping Score, etc.), Volunteers to help Elementary Staff in school on her free time. She has been a great student for the younger classes to look up to. She has been an outstanding overall person to represent our school. Thank you for your consideration.
Tristan Jensen is from Woonsocket, SD, located within Central Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Eric Ames
October 30, 2022 - November 5, 2022
- School
- Miller High School (605-853-2455)
- 4
- Activities
- Band, Jazz, Band, Pep Band, Region Band Contest Superior Rating, Golden Stand, Chorus, Oral Interpretation, One-Act Play, One-Act Play State Superior Rating, Robotics Team, Church Sacrament Administrator and Organizer, Church Organist, Stake Youth Leadership Committee, Dual Credit & AP Coursework, Track & Field
Eric Ames is from MILLER, SD, located within Dakota Energy Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Riley Casper
October 23, 2022 - October 29, 2022
- School
- Lake Preston High School (605-847-4455)
- 4
- Activities
- Football, basketball, band, marching band, choir, show choir, and student council.
Riley Casper is from Lake Preston, SD, located within Kingsbury Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Rachel Lindholm
October 16, 2022 - October 22, 2022
- School
- Chester Area School (6054892411)
- 4
- Activities
- Rachel is involved in band, choir, FFA, musicals, fall theatrical production, 1-act plays, oral interp, yearbook, and track. Rachel has earned superiors in South Dakota State Oral Interp and South Dakota State 1-act competition for 3 years. Region individual honors in 1-act play. Rachel was also chosen to be in South Dakota All State Choir.
Rachel Lindholm is from Wentworth, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Alyssa James
October 9, 2022 - October 15, 2022
- School
- Britton-Hecla (605-448-2234)
- 4
- Activities
- Alyssa James is a true leader in every sense of the word. She was our HOBY (Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership) representative her sophomore year and has been a student council representative for the entirety of her high school career. She is rarely seen without a smile on her face and a pep in her step. Alyssa is also always the first to volunteer when needed. Alyssa James is a true scholar. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA or better throughout her high school career. She is always an attentive student in class. She takes organized notes, asks questions, and shares ideas in class discussions. Alyssa is also well known for being the student to ask when other students are in need of help. Alyssa is and has been involved in extra curricular activities throughout her entire high school career. She is involved in volleyball, girls basketball, golf, all school play, chorus, and was in track and field. Although she has faced many injuries throughout her sports seasons, she has never let it get her down. She was always cheering on the bench, giving a fellow teammate a pat on the back or helpful tip, and/or helping the coach with team manager duties. Outside of the school, Alyssa is a kind, caring young lady with a heart of gold. She is an avid volunteer at her church as well as with the community’s youth. She has many special bonds with kids all around the community from babysitting children to mentoring young athletes. Alyssa would do just about anything for anyone whether she’s baking cookies for someone in need of a little extra love or she’s listening to a little one tell a story, she is always engaged and giving of her time and attention.
Alyssa James is from Britton, SD, located within Lake Region Electric Association, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Jedi Buting
October 2, 2022 - October 8, 2022
- School
- Waverly-South Shore (6058869174)
- 3.6
- Activities
- Student Council, National Honor Society, Math Contest winner, National History Day, Science Fair winner, Dual Credit enrollments, and Senior Class Student Council Rep.
Jedi Buting is from Watertown, SD, located within Codington-Clark Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Olivia Akin
September 25, 2022 - October 1, 2022
- School
- Castlewood High School ((605) 793-2351)
- 4
- Activities
- As a senior at Castlewood High School, Olivia is active in many things. For sports, she is active in Cross Country, Basketball, and Fastpitch Softball. Other activities she is involved in include Oral Interpretation, One Act Play, National Honors Society, Concert and Marching Band, and Choir. Her accomplishments include being a member of the Concert and Marching Band for all four years of High School, Cross Country Captain for three years now, and One Act Play state superior actress. Other accomplishments include being a part of the Varsity Basketball team for five years and part of the Varsity Cross Country team for five years as well.
Olivia Akin is from Castlewood, SD, located within H-D Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Lane Johnson
September 18, 2022 - September 24, 2022
- School
- Centerville High School ((605)563-2291)
- 3.9
- Activities
- Football Captain - 2 years "A" Honor Roll Letter winner in Track & Field and Football Dawson Knudson 100% award for Centerville Boys Track and Field - 2021 Most Improved Football (2020-2021) CHS Student of the Month (2020 & 2021) National Honor Society Member (2020-present) FFA officer (2020-present) FFA president (2022-2023) MVP Boy's Track (2022) Student Councile Member (2018-2019) 6th place Class B State Pole Vault 2022 Band FFA Football Track & Field
Lane Johnson is from Centerville, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.