View the current list of winners for this year’s Scholar of the Week program. The Scholar of the Week program is a partnership between Dakota News Now and your local Touchstone Energy Cooperatives that honors the region’s accomplished high school students. Each weekly winner receives a cash award from their local Touchstone Energy Cooperative and is featured on Dakota News Now. All winners are also eligible to receive one of the three scholarships that are given away at the annual Scholar of the Year banquet. Nominations for the weekly awards are submitted by area school principals and faculty, whose selections were based on excellence in the classroom and service in the community.

Matthew Larsen
April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005
- School
- Lennox High School
- 4
- Activities
- Student Council, National Honor Society, newspaper editor, Natural Helpers, basketball, soccer, baseball, golf, band, and church youth group.
Matthew Larsen is from Sioux Falls, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Melissa Heinemann
April 10, 2005 - April 16, 2005
- School
- Flandreau Public High School
- 4
- Activities
- Expanding hrmony Dance Company member--12 years Band--8 years Chorus--1 year Flute and Piano study--9 years CCD--Church Youth Group Oral Interpretation, All School Plays, Catholic Church Pianist, Songleader for church, All-State Band Member for 2 years
Melissa Heinemann is from Flandreau, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Sarah Dickes
April 3, 2005 - April 9, 2005
- School
- O'Gorman High School
- 4.44
- Activities
- Choir (9-12), Ovation Show Choir, All-State Chorus, Spring musical 9-12 (has the lead this year), Soccer (on State Championship team), Oral Interpretaion, Teens Against Tobacco Use, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Ambassadors, Future Problem Solvers, several Community Service activities including Habitat for Humanity and serving at the Banquet, church choir, Eucharistic Minister, National Honor Society, and more.
Sarah Dickes is from Sioux Falls, SD.

Lincoln Campbell
March 27, 2005 - April 2, 2005
- School
- Aberdeen Central High School
- 4
- Activities
- Please call 725-8101 for a list of Lincoln's activities.
Lincoln Campbell is from Aberdeen, SD, located within Northern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Gwen Kisling
March 20, 2005 - March 26, 2005
- School
- Rutland High School
- 3.5
- Activities
- track, football and boys' basketball cheerleading, oral interp, one-act play, all-school play, band, choir, homecoming committee, student council vice president, National Honor Society, homecoming queen
Gwen Kisling is from Rutland, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Alison Jarrett
March 13, 2005 - March 19, 2005
- School
- Madison High School
- 4
- Activities
- Marching band-section leader, chosen soloist, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, All STate Chorus-chosen soloist, One-Act play-superior individual acting award, Student Council Class President, National Honor Society, United Methodist Youth Group, Future Problem Solvers, Tennis, All School Play
Alison Jarrett is from Madison, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Kyle Knutson
March 6, 2005 - March 12, 2005
- School
- Sioux Valley High School
- 3.6
- Activities
- Oral interpretation, drama, band, jazz band, All State Jazz Band, student council, Boys State delegate
Kyle Knutson is from Volga, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Aaron Cross
February 27, 2005 - March 5, 2005
- School
- Mitchell High School
- 3.822
- Activities
- Band (4 years), Band section leader (senior year), Jazz Band (Trumpet, junior & senior year), Marching band soloist, Show Choir (2 years), Fall Play (4 years), Debate (4 years), School and community musicals, National Honor Roll, and National Honor Society. Church activities include: Sunday School Instructor (4 years), Love Feast server, UMC Youth Council, and Youth Praise Band.
Aaron Cross is from Mitchell, SD, located within Central Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Sarah Wolf
February 20, 2005 - February 26, 2005
- School
- Chamberlain High School
- 4
- Activities
- National Honor Society, TORCH (Teens on the Road to Chemical Health)
Sarah Wolf is from Chamberlain,, SD, located within Central Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Keri Eulberg
February 13, 2005 - February 19, 2005
- School
- St. Mary Catholic Schools
- 3.976
- Activities
- Student Body President, National Honor Society President, Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership selection, World Leadership Congress, Girl's State, Youth Business Adventure, Teens Against Tobacco Use, State Student Council Region Rep., School newspaper editor, Yearbook editor, Governor's Luncheon,VB, BB, Track, CC, FB statistician, Character Counts (YMCA)
Keri Eulberg is from Dell Rapids,, SD, located within Sioux Valley Energy, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.