Kayli Schaap

Kayli S

Kayli will be featured on Dakota News Now during the 6:00PM news on Monday, January 6 and again on the Dakota News Now morning news on Tuesday, January 7 between 6:00AM and 7:00AM.

Kayli Schaap
January 5, 2020 - January 11, 2020
Beresford High School
Student Activities: Track - 2 years Cross Country - 2 years Volleyball - 2 years National Honor Society - 2 years Fellowship of Christian Athletes - 4 years FCCLA - 4 years HOSA (Health Occupations for Students of America (HOSA) - 3 years Spanish Club - 3 years Band - 4 years Youth Group - 4 years COYF - Community for Youth and Family Outreach - 4 years Meals on Wheels - 4 years SOS (Students Serving our Seniors) - 4 years SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) - 2 years Students Accomplishments include: Gold Honor Roll all four years President's Award for Educational Excellence BHS Governor's Luncheon Representative 3rd place at State Art Competition
Kayli Schaap is from Beresford, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.