Hannah Wollmann


Hannah will be featured on Dakota News Now during the 6:00PM news on Monday, September 26 and again on the Dakota News Now morning news on Tuesday, September 27 between 6:00AM and 7:00AM.

Hannah Wollmann
September 25, 2011 - October 1, 2011
Menno High School
Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, Football Cheerleading, Basketball Cheerleading, Softball, Track, FFA, FCCLA, NHS, Student Council, Chorus, Band, One- Act Play, 4-H, CYO, PCRC Youth Honors: Academic Excellence - 3 years, All State Band - 1 year, A+ Student -1 year, Best Attitude - Cheerleading 2 years, Girls State, Cumulative 4.0 - 2 years, Superior Ratings at band - 3 years, Superior Ratings at Chorus Contests - 1 year, State One-Act play 3 years, HOBY Ambassador, HOBY J-Staff, Nestle Best in Youth, selected as outstanding student to recieve a tuition free class at DWU, Student Council Pres., Class officer, FCCLA officer, FCCLA - superior ratings at district & state levels for illistrated talks- 3 years, FFA - superior rating at district level for communications
Hannah Wollmann is from Olivet, SD, located within Southeastern Electric Cooperative, a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.