These are unprecedented times in our region, country and across the world. From social distancing to homeschooling your children due to school closures, we know you are dealing with many life changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As an essential services provider, your electric cooperative is here to continue powering your life.
When you receive your next power bill, we want you to be prepared for your bill to be a little higher than normal if you have been spending more time than usual at home. Many of our member-owners are currently working from home or are staying at home with their children and this increased amount of time at home requires an increased use of electricity.
Here are several quick and easy ways to begin conserving your home’s energy use today to minimize your next bill:
• Reduce your thermostat. A one degree decrease in heating setpoint can decrease energy use by 3 – 5%.
• Wash clothes with cold water. Only use hot water for very dirty loads.
• Change your central HVAC system filter when dirty by the manufacturers recommendations. Dirty filters can impact your home comfort and increase your electricity bill.
• Set both the upper and lower water heater thermostats no higher than 120° F.
• Open your blinds and use natural light as much as possible during the day.
• Turn computers and monitors off when not in use.
• Enable auto power down feature on gaming consoles.
• Unplug battery chargers and other cords when not needed.
• If you don’t unplug them, use energy-saving modes or automatic sleep function on electronics.
• Set the refrigerator temperature to 34°-37°F and freezer temperature to 0° - 5°F.
Everything you do—from flipping a switch to upgrading your lighting—can add up to big savings. As your local Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, we are here for you through these trying times. The seventh cooperative principle is concern for community. By pulling together as a community, we will emerge from this stronger. Take care and stay healthy.