Check the A.C.
From the house to the shop or office, be sure all A.C. units on your operation are in tip-top shape to save big this summer. Replace the filters, adjust programmed temperature settings and have your unit serviced and cleaned by a professional. Inspect the outside of the unit for overgrowth of plants and/or vines and clear the area.
Check the Fans
In the winter months, ceiling fans should spin clockwise. But, in the summer, your fans should be set to move counterclockwise for a downward airflow. This helps things stay cooler. It’s a quick and easy switch that’s often overlooked!
Check the Machines
From grain dryers to ventilation systems, if it’s got an electric motor, it will run better with this simple four-point spring check:
GREASE: Be sure all motors are greased.
REPLACE: Replace any parts that are rusted, corroded or worn.
SECURE: Tighten drive belts and other parts.
CLEAN: Be sure dirty fans are cleaned and all parts of the motor are free of debris.
Working together with your local Touchstone Energy Cooperative you can help improve efficiency on your farm this upcoming season is easy! Contact your local cooperative today.