Spring Into Safety
As spring returns and melts ice and snow, many homeowners return to outdoor chores. Before you work outside, your local Touchstone Energy Cooperative reminds you to keep electrical safety in mind.
As spring returns and melts ice and snow, many homeowners return to outdoor chores. Before you work outside, your local Touchstone Energy Cooperative reminds you to keep electrical safety in mind.
The cost of powering your home rises at a slower pace than many of your typical expenses. Compare the average price increase each year over the last five years, and the value of electricity shines.
Here are 10 easy ways to make your farm more energy efficient, without spending a lot of time or money.
To keep your pets safe around electricity your local electric cooperative and Safe Electricity offer these tips...
Blizzard. Ice Storm. Polar Vortex. Here in the Northern Plains we get ALL the winter weather!
Meet the amazing electric heat pump. It’s a marvel of modern science! Electric heat pumps are safe, energy-efficient and affordable.
If installed and operated correctly, use of standby or portable electric generators poses little danger. Improper installation or use could be dangerous to you and threaten the lives of your family, friends, neighbors and electric utility crews trying to restore service.
Even with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you can save energy—both personally and on your energy bill.
Here’s to the Cooperative Spirit!
More and more people decorate their yards for Halloween with elaborate lighting displays with as much enthusiasm and as many materials as they do for the Christmas holidays. Read our blog to learn some holiday safety tips!